165 Log Canoe Circle, Suite E Stevensville, MD 21666 Phone: 410-643-1000


Recommended Immunization Schedule

21 years
1 month
2 months
4 months
6 months
6 months + (yearly)
9 months
12 months
15 months
2 years
4 years
10 years (if local outbreak; absent or damaged spleen; complement deficiency)
11 years
11-12 years
11-12 years (2nd shot: 6-12 months after the first shot)
15 years (if started at 15 yrs, 3 doses- 2nd shot: 2 months after first shot)
15 years (if started at 15 yrs, 3 doses- 3rd shot: 6 months after first shot)
16 years
16+ years

Vaccine Information Sheets

COVID-19 Vaccine EUA

DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis) - Daptacel, Infanrix, Tripedia

Flu Shot (Influenza (Flu) Vaccine) - Fluzone, Fluvirin, Fluarix

Hep A (Hepatitis A) - Havrix, Vaqta

Hep B (Hepatitis B) - Engerix-B, Recombivax HB

Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b) - PedvaxHIB, ActHIB, Hiberix, HibTITER

HPV Gardasil-9 (Human Papillomavirus) - Gardasil-9

IPV (Polio) - Ipol

Meningococcal (Serogroup B - Men B) (Serogroup B Meningococcal (Men B)) - Trumenba

Meningococcal ACWY (Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines) - Menomune, Menactra, Menveo

MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) - M-M-R II

MMRV (Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Varicella) - ProQuad

PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate) - PCV13, PCV15

Rotavirus (Rotavirus) - RotaTeq, Rotarix

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Preventive Antibody)

TdaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) - Boostrix, Adacel

Varicella (Chickenpox) - Varivax

Is Your Child Sick?®

What's Going Around?

Office Hours

Monday 8am to 6pm
Tuesday 8am to 5pm
Wednesday 8am to 5pm
Thursday 8am to 6pm
Friday 8am to 4pm
Saturday 8am to 1pm
Sunday we are Closed