165 Log Canoe Circle, Suite E Stevensville, MD 21666 Phone: 410-643-1000

Well Visits

Did you know regular well child visits are one of the most important things you can do to keep your child healthy? Preventive care promotes healthy growth and development. Well child visits also provide you with the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s health.

Your child should have a well child visit at the intervals listed below. We recommend that you call our office 3 months in advance to schedule an appointment with a provider on the date that best fits your needs.

Schedule of Visits

2-5 Day Visit
2 Week Visit
1 Month Visit
2 Month Visit
4 Month Visit
6 Month Visit
9 Month Visit
12 Month Visit
15 Month Visit
18 Month Visit
24 Month Visit
30 Month Visit
3 Year Visit
4 Year Visit
5 Year Visit
6 Year Visit
7 Year Visit
8 Year Visit
9 Year Visit
10 Year Visit
11 Year Visit
12 Year Visit
13 Year Visit
14 Year Visit
15 Year Visit
16 Year Visit
17 Year Visit
18 Year Visit and Beyond...

Is Your Child Sick?®

What's Going Around?

Office Hours

Monday 8am to 6pm
Tuesday 8am to 5pm
Wednesday 8am to 5pm
Thursday 8am to 6pm
Friday 8am to 4pm
Saturday 8am to 1pm
Sunday we are Closed