Even though friends are becoming more important at this age, having a caring adult to provide a listening ear and from which to obtain accurate health information is equally important. Foster open communication with your child. There are no scheduled immunizations at this visit unless your child is behind and needs to catch up on immunizations.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
- Measure your child’s weight, height and body mass index and record on a growth curve.
- Review your child’s school performance and development.
- Complete sports physical forms and discuss sport safety (if your child is participating in sports).
- Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in association with increased awareness of body image and diet.
- Discuss puberty changes to expect or that may be starting to occur.
Immunizations: None
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision Surveillance, Hearing Surveillance, TB Surveillance, Anemia Surveillance, Dyslipidemia Surveillance, Strenghts and Difficulties Questionnaire
Please Complete Before Your Visit: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Bright Futures Parent Info
Bright Futures Patient Info
Your child may be showing an increasing interest in extracurricular activities. Have conversations about risk taking behaviors, driving, alcohol, drug use, family rules and expectations. Discuss media and internet safety. Make certain that they have an adult they can confide in if they are unable to communicate with you. There are no scheduled immunizations at this visit unless your child is behind and needs to catch up on immunizations.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
- Measure your child’s weight, height and body mass index and record on a growth curve.
- Complete sports physical forms and discuss sport safety (if your child is participating in sports).
- Review your child’s school performance and development.
- Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in association with increased awareness of body image and diet.
Immunizations: None
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision Surveillance, Hearing Surveillance, TB Surveillance, Anemia Surveillance, Dyslipidemia Surveillance, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Please Complete Before Your Visit: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Bright Futures Parent Info
Bright Futures Patient Info
Your child may be adjusting to the transition to high school. Development of family relationships continues to be important, but it is also normal for teens to place more and more emphasis on their peer relationships. There are no scheduled immunizations at this visit unless your child is behind and needs to catch up on immunizations.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
- Measure your child’s weight and length and record on a growth curve.
- Review your child’s school performance.
- Reinforce healthy choices and risk behavior avoidance.
- Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity etc.).
- Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in association with increased awareness of body image and diet
Immunizations: None
Tests/Screens/Assessments: TB Surveillance, Anemia Surveillance, Dyslipidemia Surveillance, Adolescent Depression Screening, Vision Testing, Hemoglobin Test (females), Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Please Complete Before Your Visit: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Bright Futures Parent Info
Bright Futures Patient Info
Congratulations! You are solidly in the teen years! It is exciting to see the wonderful person your child is becoming. Possible conflict can arise at this time as your teen assesses your family values versus those of culture and peers.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
- Measure your child’s weight, height and body mass index and record on a growth curve.
- Provide your child's immunizations.
- Complete sports physical forms and discuss sport safety (if your child is participating in sports).
- Review your child’s school performance.
- Reinforce healthy choices and risk behavior avoidance.
- Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity etc.).
- Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in association with increased awareness of body image and diet.
Immunizations: MCV#2,
Meningococcal (MenB) (optional)
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision Surveillance, Hearing Surveilllance, TB Surveillance, Anemia Surveillance, Dyslipidemia Surveillance, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Hemoglobin Test (females)
Please Complete Before Your Visit: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Bright Futures Parent Info
Bright Futures Patient Info
Your child is getting closer to finishing high school and entering the adult world. Making mistakes are a normal part of growing up. Continue to provide emotional support and guidance for them during this time. There are no scheduled immunizations at this visit unless your child is behind and needs to catch up on immunizations.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
- Measure your child’s weight, height and body mass index and record on a growth curve.
- Complete sports physical forms and discuss sport safety (if your child is participating in sports).
- Review your child’s school performance.
- Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity etc.).
- Reinforce healthy choices and risk behavior avoidance.
- Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in association with increased awareness of body image and diet.
Immunizations: Meningococcal (MenB) (optional)
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision Surveillance, Hearing Surveilllance, TB Surveillance, Anemia Surveillance, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Lipid Profile, Hemoglobin Test (females)
Please Complete Before Your Visit: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Bright Futures Parent Info
Bright Futures Patient Info
Your child is now transitioning to adult life! They will still look to you for support and guidance but will be more on their own when it comes to decision making.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
- Measure your child’s weight, height and body mass index and record on a growth curve.
- Provide immunizations.
- Screen your child's vision.
- Discuss transitions to life after high school—whether that be work, travel, vocational school or college.
- Discuss importance of responsible decision making and recognizing healthy -vs- unhealthy relationships.
- Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity etc.).
- Reinforce healthy choices and risk behavior avoidance.
Immunizations: Meningococcal (MenB) (optional)
Tests/Screens/Assessments: Hearing Surveilllance, TB Surveillance, Anemia Surveillance, Dyslipidemia Surveillance, Adolescent Depression Screening, Vision Testing, Hemoglobin Test (females)
Bright Futures Patient Info