165 Log Canoe Circle, Suite E Stevensville, MD 21666 Phone: 410-643-1000


We pledge our assistance to you in promoting healthy children and a healthy parent-child relationship. Providing great pediatric care is the standard and we do it "one patient at a time."

Is Your Child Sick?ÂŽ

We now have the ability to accept online payments.  Check out the new "Pay Bill" tab above.

Our Patient Portal facilitates better communication with our office by providing convenient access from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.  The portal can provide the date of your next scheduled appointment, immunization record for school or daycare, visit summaries and detailed vitals information for those all-important baby books.
What's Going Around?

Office Hours

Monday 8am to 6pm
Tuesday 8am to 5pm
Wednesday 8am to 5pm
Thursday 8am to 6pm
Friday 8am to 4pm
Saturday 8am to 1pm
Sunday we are Closed